About Termites


If you find termites in your home, the best course of action is to reach out to a specialist. Rumble Fish Pest Control is licensed in termite control and wood destroying organisms (WDO).

Some signs of termites are sawdust like piles near wooden surfaces, mud-like tubes on walls or beams, and visibly damaged wood in your home. Termite swarmers may look like “ants with wings”.

Once you suspect termites in your home, schedule an appointment for an in depth termite inspection. Termite inspections allow our termite inspector to gather information such as the type of termite and where the termites are located. Rumble Fish will then provide you with a detailed Termite Inspection Report along with the recommended treatment. 

Types of Treatment for Termites include Localized Treatment, Fumigation, or Heat Treatment

  • Localized Treatment can be used to exterminate termites within the specific targeted area.

  • Fumigation or Tenting requires you to leave your home until it is safe to return. All food and medication must be properly sealed, and all pets and plants must be removed from your home. 

  • Heat treatment involved heating the infested wood with lethal temperature resulting in the extermination of termites within the treated sites.

Subterranean Termites require a separate set of treatments due to the nature of this pest. Rumble Fish uses insecticides and application methods specifically designed to treat subterranean termites. Common treatment for subterranean termites include:

  • Trench Entry

  • Drill and Inject Entry